Friday, March 10, 2006

I feel sorry for myself ...

Not sure how I ended up wasted last night. Went to the Turf Club and had to wait an hour for a table. So we drank at the bar. I was on my third martini (Ketal 1 straight with a twist) by the time we were seated. I was so gone. I managed to get home and drunk dial E. We talked about how great I am. So I was sitting in physics class this morning. It was brutal. I was hung over and learning about second derivatives w.r.t. electrical charges in point space and divergence/curl operators. Did I mention the Maxwell equations? Chew on that for a second.

Since there is only one day left for Floorpunch week, here is another quote from the mighty Punch -"I'm gonna spit through this window. When they come out, we're fighting."


Little Thingies said...

Electrical charges? Just remember the left-hand rule and you'll be fine. Or should that be right-hand rule if you're in the southern hemisphere?

Arggh, this blows my mind.

Single finger salute! said...

Dude, try to recall the Maxwell equations. Think hard ..... Your brain just exploded.

Live_From_New_York said...

How do you get wasted so often?

Just how do you do it?

You are my idol.

Little Thingies said...

It's all in the wrist.