Him: so who's your favorite tennis player?
Me: i don't really have one.
Him: what? you don't watch tennis on tv?
Me: well, not really.
Him: How do you learn to play then???
At that point, I was just like "huhhh?"

If i knew you could learn stuff just by watching how it's done on tv, I've been wasting my time. I could've learned to surf already just by sitting at a bar and watching those videos. It's just like The Matrix! Just get jacked in and away we go.
"I know kung-fu."
Aren't colleagues the greatest source of entertainment at work?
This one girl I used to work with amused me with her little psychotic rants about how much she liked another colleague in another department.
How obvious it was that he wasn't happy with his girlfriend and how they should be together instead.
Actually, it wasn't "amused" so much as it was "bored to tears with her endless yammering."
How do you think I got through college? I watched a combination of Real Genius, Animal House, Porky's amd Revenge of the Nerds.
You can learn anything watching movies or TV.
If you can't make it, fake it!
I must say, keep the ms paint doodles coming.
Sure you can learn from tv, but I would go as far as to say that all you ever know you can learn from the O'Reilly Factor.
They have that in .hk, right?
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