Saturday, May 13, 2006

I've Lost My Blog!

The Heidi Report ran away. I don't know where it is or how to fix the problen. Blogger's help section is absolutely useless. Arg.

Anyway, this Sunday is Mother's Day. Be sure to call your moms and grandmas!


Little Thingies said...

It ran away into my pocket. It was whining and stuff so I booted its ass out. It's back now.

Lo may day. ha ha.

Single finger salute! said...

I was 3rd to call house 91.

Little Thingies said...

Guess who 1 and 2 were? You lose american cowboy!

Heidi said...

Um....I was fourth...damn, I'm never going to be the favourite kid now.

Chris said...


Little Thingies said...

Sibling rivalry...I win again.