It's exam time again and for the past few weeks I've been too lazy/tired to cook real food. Wait, that's a lie. I'm too lazy/tired all the time to cook real food, but during exam time I have an excuse for it.
My diet thus far has consisted of Sweet and Salty Almond Granola Bars, Spicy Peanut Satay flavoured tuna and the occasional order of poutine. If you guys ever come across the tuna in the grocery store I highly recommend it. Yeah, it kind of looks like a tin of cat food, but it's extremely delicious.
And the answer to your question is "No, I'm not turning into a fat-ass while I'm in school and eating nothing but crap. I joined the gym and go to step class regularly."

your blood pressure must be sky high with all that sodium.
Nope! I had my physical last week and the doc said that I'm in good shape.
I also got an update on my tetnus immunization so I'm free to play with rusty nails all I want now.
I just went this morning. Blood pressure of 98/70 and a resting pulse of 57. FUCK YEAH! A round of french fries all around!
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