in HK are threatening me with great bodily harm this September. After I stated the events of fitness to be, one of them said he was going to have to excuse himself. The excuse being that he wanted to be the photographer for those events. I am calling you out as a Person Under Severe Stress Yo (aka PUSSY)!
Remember that one time I completely knocked the wind out of LT? He went down like a tonne of bricks, yo!
Oh it's on! I was kidding about excusing myself, I wouldn't be missing this.
New event to be added- shots to the stomach. Ask the good doctor how scary this game looks ha ha.
How about ROCHAMBEAU? I kick you in the nuts first.
Hey, how come that picture only has 3 sock monkeys? I'm always getting left out!
Rewind to the phone call I had with J after first year exams: "Nothing much going on over here, SFS and CwK got married, that's about it."
Oooohh .... so you want in on the main event???? To be included in the pic, you have to entered in the run, swim and arm wrestling events. Last time I saw you, you almost died running up the stairs with Mica.
It's on, Heidi is now going to compete in the 10K run, 2K swim and arm wrestling of death events.
You forgot hand-to-hand combat.
And do you have that floating device that you tie to your leg like in Bay Watch? I need something to hold onto in case i start drowning after the first 100 meters.
You'll be sorry when I wipe the floor with you guys.
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