For reasons to numerous to list, it has been a pretty dope summer. Family and friends dropped by, running and surfing, various running races and good food really made it something special. I was especially happy with my family visiting. It was nice to have everyone over and hanging out at our place - shit talking, drinking, arm wrestling, Guitar Hero all ensued. I am also stoked CS and CR got to be part of this too! Thanks to all for coming to our shin dig and hope to see you all next year in Hawaii.
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What shall next year's events be? Touch football with pineapples?
Pineapple in the face.
Guitar hero competition of course...it's the first thing i bought when after i went back to HK.
I heard that the first item you bought was Preparation H.
I'm so close to posting the pic of the both of you sitting on the bed and playing Guitar Hero first thing in the morning.
waiting for you to get rock band!! then the challenge is really on!
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