Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Powder room

With new eyes, I reformulated the primary aims: 1) open the space with natural light; 2) simplify planes; 3) provide a light source to the adjacent hallway. This clarity is directly associated with the recent sojourn in my birth city.

Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Pretty much finished.

Here are final pictures before I close the front door.

Picture 1 - Bamboo detail underneath kitchen counter. Initially there was Doug Fir on the vertical face. In the end I choose bamboo instead for a cleaner transition. Why introduce an unnecessary third material?

Pictures 2-3. The 3Form pieces have yet to arrive for the back light effect. In the mean time I found pieces of ABET in the attic to fill the spaces. Homepride Fred stands guard over my books. If you look closely you can see who taught me how to dress gazing into the kitchen.

Pictures 4-5. The upper and lower staircase. By using glass, the hand rail does not take away from the bamboo and Doug Fir details.
Sitting at home gives me an immense feeling of satisfaction. Good design is necessary for clean living under difficult circumstances.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fight back to school.
Renovations are nearing the end. I learned loads during the design and build. As well, I can compare our build to the neighbor's renovations and CR's preliminary designs.
Things I learned.
1. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) - Limiting the materials equals less transitions, transitions are difficult. My neighbor incorporated eight different materials in his kitchen. The kitchen resembles multiple kitchens simultaneously from different issues of Dwell Magazine - in other words, his kitchen is cluttered and confused.
2. Absence can be used to define space.
3. 50% of the total wattage in the kitchen must come from fluorescent light fixtures.
4. Cable rails are not code in SD county as off 2008 .
5. Good design does not mean spending tosh cash, nor does it mean using "fashionable" modern build accessories (i.e., cable rails, Zebra wood, Miller chairs). It is poor form to rely on these items to mimic good design.
6. Good form always follows function.
7. I need to keep my mouth shut when I look at other people's builds. They do not want to hear that their house looks like a Design Within Reach showroom. Most people who call themselves a designer are laughable. Chris's engineer friend calls herself an architect because she worked for a construction firm. Last time I checked, an architect is a certified professional. This is equivalent to saying, Chris is an gladiator because he watched an entire season of American Gladiator.
Things I learned.
1. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) - Limiting the materials equals less transitions, transitions are difficult. My neighbor incorporated eight different materials in his kitchen. The kitchen resembles multiple kitchens simultaneously from different issues of Dwell Magazine - in other words, his kitchen is cluttered and confused.
2. Absence can be used to define space.
3. 50% of the total wattage in the kitchen must come from fluorescent light fixtures.
4. Cable rails are not code in SD county as off 2008 .
5. Good design does not mean spending tosh cash, nor does it mean using "fashionable" modern build accessories (i.e., cable rails, Zebra wood, Miller chairs). It is poor form to rely on these items to mimic good design.
6. Good form always follows function.
7. I need to keep my mouth shut when I look at other people's builds. They do not want to hear that their house looks like a Design Within Reach showroom. Most people who call themselves a designer are laughable. Chris's engineer friend calls herself an architect because she worked for a construction firm. Last time I checked, an architect is a certified professional. This is equivalent to saying, Chris is an gladiator because he watched an entire season of American Gladiator.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Small block pt 2.

The rest of the bookshelf and countertop were installed. I saw Gustavo this morning. He has little things to adjust still.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Small block

Gustavo and his crew are half-way done with the bookcase install. The floating shelves and counter-top are next to be installed. We still need to choose the plastic for the back of the bookcase.

While unpacking kitchen items I came across a pencil holder my old office mate made for the wife. It was fabricated from a solid block of stainless steel with 15 holes drilled into it. Apparently it took 40 minutes for each hole to be drilled. The block goes well with the cabinets.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Turf Fight Club

The same guy fucked me twice tonight at the Turf Club. First instance was him fucking with our food at the grill. Second instance he kept on elbowing the pregnant wifey. Both times I told him to fuck off. Both times he complained to his girlfriend about me. The second time I yelled at him extra and flipped off the girlfriend. Darren and I were ready to fight. I hate dudes who wear untucked vertical striped shirts, him and his friends were squishy Gaslamp dudes. Of course the odds of victory would have been better if Chris actually showed up like he was supposed to with Erik. My better half deescalated the second confrontation.
Fucking Chris. Way to be a stand-up guy.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Seminar this morning.
It was good.
Here are observations.
1. Attention, adaptation and orienting response are intertwined - Adaptation is highly underrated.
2. Prof. X and Y have aged tremendously since I saw them present their model at CNS '98. Fast forward ten years, they are fine tuning the original '98 model. They do it very well. Sitting in seminar I realized that I do not want to be doing basic research in the twilight of life. The talk was disheartening on a personal level, but theoretically rich in the sciences.
3. While walking past the spectators on their way to the US Open, I realized that no one in the outside world cares about science. I could hear the cheers from a mile way accompanying each hole Tiger Woods sank. People did not cheer when Prof X's model predicted performance across differing luminance levels.
Sigh ....
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Kitchen completed ... more or less.
The kitchen is basically done. We are happy with the way it turned out. I need to buy two more light fixtures for the short cable run above the sink, mend dings and remove the protective plywood layer off the finished bamboo floor. We still need to run bamboo up the vertical face of the sink counter.
Points of interest:
1. The big metal disc on the wall is a transformer for one of the cable runs. I am unhappy with the protruding transformer. The woman who helped us with the system is a certified idiot. In the end I called Tek Lighting directly for help.
2. We chose Caesar stone for the back splash, we wanted the material to read such that it is continuous from the floor to the counter and up the wall. Moreover, by not using tile we minimized grout lines which in turn makes cleaning a breeze.

3. Roberto is a complete cock sucker. I made him come on a Saturday to remove the panels so that he could refinish them. I pointed out that the finish was blemished and too heavy (likely due to a dirty spray nozzle). He told me that he did not have a clean room to spray panels and that the average person would find this acceptable. I stated that our stairs were finished on-site and the finish was far superior. Moreover, Jen told him that it was irrelevant what the average person thinks. He reluctantly resprayed them all. They turned out nice in the end. Just to be an asshole, I casually let it drop to Roberto that the craftsman who finished the stairs did not have an advanced degree from CMU. I am sure that really pissed him off.
4. I also wanted the cut-out on the far end of the cabinets. That cock sucker tried not to do it. He called me several times to whine about it (i.e, "I have a MFA from CMU and that just looks wrong"; "This is your last chance, are you sure you want this?"). I am happy I stuck to the original idea. I really like how the cut out breaks up the cabinet. I can confidently not recommend Roberto to anyone, he has a serious chip on his shoulder.

Points of interest:
1. The big metal disc on the wall is a transformer for one of the cable runs. I am unhappy with the protruding transformer. The woman who helped us with the system is a certified idiot. In the end I called Tek Lighting directly for help.
2. We chose Caesar stone for the back splash, we wanted the material to read such that it is continuous from the floor to the counter and up the wall. Moreover, by not using tile we minimized grout lines which in turn makes cleaning a breeze.

3. Roberto is a complete cock sucker. I made him come on a Saturday to remove the panels so that he could refinish them. I pointed out that the finish was blemished and too heavy (likely due to a dirty spray nozzle). He told me that he did not have a clean room to spray panels and that the average person would find this acceptable. I stated that our stairs were finished on-site and the finish was far superior. Moreover, Jen told him that it was irrelevant what the average person thinks. He reluctantly resprayed them all. They turned out nice in the end. Just to be an asshole, I casually let it drop to Roberto that the craftsman who finished the stairs did not have an advanced degree from CMU. I am sure that really pissed him off.
4. I also wanted the cut-out on the far end of the cabinets. That cock sucker tried not to do it. He called me several times to whine about it (i.e, "I have a MFA from CMU and that just looks wrong"; "This is your last chance, are you sure you want this?"). I am happy I stuck to the original idea. I really like how the cut out breaks up the cabinet. I can confidently not recommend Roberto to anyone, he has a serious chip on his shoulder.

Friday, May 30, 2008
Certified Idiots

A) FUCK YEAH! I agree with the central thesis.
B) Last night, I called out a neighbor for being a certified idiot. My friends Ian and Heather are visiting, they happen to be of the darker persuasion. We decided to sit in the hot tub after running. While attending to the dog I overheard a lady ask them, "From your behaviour, it looks like you two don't live here." An educated person will quickly recognize that this is passive racism. What types of behavior would would one exhibit to live in my neighborhood? Or conversely, it was not like Ian and Heather were stealing hub caps or gardening.
I walked over and laid into her, "That's really rude and fucked up of you."
She replied tersely, "Do you live here? What unit? I've never seen you before."
I replied with my unit number and street. I asked her where she lived. She only gave me her unit number. I pressed her on what street she lives on. I recognized her street and dropped the Del Mar bomb.
"Oh, you live on this side of the street, we live on the other side."
I let the statement hang uncomfortably between us. She apologized for her fucked up behavior.
That was the end of the conversation. My complex is divided in half: one half lives on the bluff overlooking the ocean while the other half lives close to a noisy road (and likely rent instead of own). The price differential between the two halves is substantial. We live on the bluff side.
I hate to floss, but it was appropriate in this context.
I wanted to ask if she rented or owned, I'll ask next time.
PS. It must be tough to live with four sets of tits. What a fat fuck.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lights and switches were installed this week. Jim made the call to the A-Team to install the electrical. Steven and Alfredo were unsuccessful earlier in the week with the electrical. However, Alfredo was successful in destroying the dry wall while attempting to install the dining room light. Watching them was frustrating, they had no clue how expensive the fixtures were. The A-Team consisted of a senior electrician with a bad head cold and an assistant, an Ivy League educated lawyer. The assistant struck me as a little odd, his hands were extremely soft. I got it out of him that he had switched careers less than a year ago. In the end, the A-Team installed the dimmers, chandelier and dining room light.
Roberto, the over qualified carpenter with a MFA from Carnegie Mellon, is installing cabinetry tomorrow. He is another guy I cannot figure out.
The architect sent an invoice for his visit two weeks ago. He invited himself over to check the progress and billed me for it. How do you like them apples?
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
One of those rare mornings.
A lot has happened in the last little while. For starters, we have a new member on the architectural review committee. We are expecting the arrival of a little one this fall to join our kooky family. The new member demanded that changes be made to accommodate his/her fussy needs before s/he takes residence at our abode.
The architect and I are best friends again. He stopped by yesterday to check the progress and revise some details. I said I would have to think about the changes. He replied half-jokingly, "You don't need to think, just agree! I'm here now!" He is a funny guy. His latest project is on the cover of some architectural digest journal. He must be feeling pretty good about himself these days.
I woke up this morning feeling relaxed and settled about the design changes. For me, waking up at ease is a low probability event. There were some details I was never entirely convinced, however with the revisions everything comes together. Simplifying the design facilitated the transition between living areas and building materials.
Enough jibba jabba, here are the pictures.

In the kitchen, we are going to use the orange stone on the back splash. By eliminating tile, we eliminate introducing an extra material that would have required an awkward transition with the dry wall and counter top (This would have required the introduction of yet another material, likely a Fry Reglet product. You can see the reglet to the left of the countertop leaning against the wall.). We are also running the bamboo up the vertical face of the counter to provide symmetry.

Here is the handrail in progress. We are not using cable rail anymore since little people have a tendency to use them as ladders. Plus, I personally feel that cable rails are overused and are a lazy solution to provide a "modernist flair" to an otherwise uninspired drab build. We are doing something different to preserve the openness of the stair case. Stay tuned ...

This is the serpentine trim detail from the bottom staircase. I found out this is not typically done, you either love it or hate it. We repeated this detail on the other side of the staircase that runs along the drywall. Some members of my family probably recognize this detail.
The architect and I are best friends again. He stopped by yesterday to check the progress and revise some details. I said I would have to think about the changes. He replied half-jokingly, "You don't need to think, just agree! I'm here now!" He is a funny guy. His latest project is on the cover of some architectural digest journal. He must be feeling pretty good about himself these days.
I woke up this morning feeling relaxed and settled about the design changes. For me, waking up at ease is a low probability event. There were some details I was never entirely convinced, however with the revisions everything comes together. Simplifying the design facilitated the transition between living areas and building materials.
Enough jibba jabba, here are the pictures.

In the kitchen, we are going to use the orange stone on the back splash. By eliminating tile, we eliminate introducing an extra material that would have required an awkward transition with the dry wall and counter top (This would have required the introduction of yet another material, likely a Fry Reglet product. You can see the reglet to the left of the countertop leaning against the wall.). We are also running the bamboo up the vertical face of the counter to provide symmetry.

Here is the handrail in progress. We are not using cable rail anymore since little people have a tendency to use them as ladders. Plus, I personally feel that cable rails are overused and are a lazy solution to provide a "modernist flair" to an otherwise uninspired drab build. We are doing something different to preserve the openness of the stair case. Stay tuned ...

This is the serpentine trim detail from the bottom staircase. I found out this is not typically done, you either love it or hate it. We repeated this detail on the other side of the staircase that runs along the drywall. Some members of my family probably recognize this detail.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Orange rhyming dictionary

They are taking the piece back to the workshop to correct. If you look closely at the waterfall detail, you can see that we used a mitered joint. As a result, the slab appears to flow uninterrupted towards the floor. I am happy we choose orange, it certainly does brighten and warm the space. If Alfredo dings the counter, like he did with the cabinet door, I will certainly punch his lights out. He starts to fidget when I am around, I wonder if I make him nervous.

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