The same guy fucked me twice tonight at the Turf Club. First instance was him fucking with our food at the grill. Second instance he kept on elbowing the pregnant wifey. Both times I told him to fuck off. Both times he complained to his girlfriend about me. The second time I yelled at him extra and flipped off the girlfriend. Darren and I were ready to fight. I hate dudes who wear untucked vertical striped shirts, him and his friends were squishy Gaslamp dudes. Of course the odds of victory would have been better if Chris actually showed up like he was supposed to with Erik. My better half deescalated the second confrontation.
Fucking Chris. Way to be a stand-up guy.
I can't go around getting into fights. I'm going to be a godfather soon.
And the kid's godmother is going to help me train him to suck epic lines of fun dip.
That brings up an important question: Can someone's godfather and godmother be married?
Bad ass flow chart by the way.
A) I will fight you.
B) Snort lines of Fun Dip.
C) I will fight you.
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