Today was lazy. Meandering around with my little pal today I hit the following points of interest - Chateau Harder (CR's abode), coffee with CR, the hospital and lunch with the wife, hanging out with my little pal at home listening to unreleased Velvet Underground thanks to CR.
At coffee an elderly lady stared intently at my little pal and proclaimed, "He is a master, I can tell. I can feel strong positive vibrations coming from him." She waved her hand around his stomach like he was a crystal ball. She asked for my little pal's name. She commented, "Sebastian is a strong name ... of course, what else would it be for a master." This is the second time an older white lady has made these types of pronouncements about my little pal. Do they know something I do not?
Over coffee, CR and I discussed various models of female worth. This is entirely irrelevant to me as I am happily married. His models were grounded in age specific cost-benefit analyses. My model consisted of a hole in the ground or a tree.
In the evening, the two of us (little pal and I) went to a local eatery in Carmel Valley. It is really nothing special, a family restaurant in a suburban strip mall setting.While waiting for a seat at the bar, I spotted the Realness of Carmel Valley. Imagine a 60 year old Asian man with a dense white shock of hip hair, the tightest ladies sloping v-neck shirt, the tightest pants known to mankind and a teddy bear. He sat alone at a table enjoying (to the n-th degree as n goes to infinity) his meal. Before each bite, he relinquished the morsel to his dining companion - the teddy bear. He was blissfully unaware of the stares he garnered
He shared a strong esemblance - facial, hair and body type wise - to CR's friend EA, if EA was a sixty year old flaming Asian male. He was the queen of Carmel Valley and for once I would not have minded being a royal subject. He was having the most fun in all of SD at that exact moment. Watching him made me re-consider the idea that dining alone in a bland suburban eatery could be a "fabuloso" experience (on the order of imbibing large quantities of high grade drugs). After paying his bill, he danced his way out the door. At birth, he likely danced his way right out the womb.
Who is this gentleman??? I need to know.