Of note recently, I have been able to spend time with old acquaintances with and without my little pal. I am sure he is absorbing all the verbiage like a linguistic sponge.
Tonight over quite an enjoyable dinner at the Kensington, an individual in the dinner party ejaculated into the conversation the following inquiry, "Does he rape you during sex?" The other guest is of Chinese descent and is seeing a Japanese gentleman.
Another outing included said dining partner and one of my science colleagues. My colleague, who is the smartest scientist I am quite fortunate to have as a friend, made this astute observation, "If you are a giving a blow job to a dude, you are gay.. No questions about it." Imagine this statement coming from a mind whose IQ exceeds 200 easily .
I mentioned to the rape comment colleague the other day, "I distinctly remember forgetting that piece of information."
This post needed a picture of your little pal.
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