Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Guitar Hero

Monday, October 22, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
You can see the size of the spiders in the first picture. And the second picture is fuzzy but you can see the size of the web and the amount of insects caught in it.
Thinking Out Loud
Do you think I'd be allowed to add screenshots from Perez Hilton in there?
And I'm adding the SD turtle picture in this post as well since it's too fantastic not to post. C'mon, it's funny!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Good-bye summer, hello fall ...

For reasons to numerous to list, it has been a pretty dope summer. Family and friends dropped by, running and surfing, various running races and good food really made it something special. I was especially happy with my family visiting. It was nice to have everyone over and hanging out at our place - shit talking, drinking, arm wrestling, Guitar Hero all ensued. I am also stoked CS and CR got to be part of this too! Thanks to all for coming to our shin dig and hope to see you all next year in Hawaii.
Publish Post
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Roll Call!
- Heidi
- Chix with Knives
- J
- Cherry
- Peter
- LT
- Hawaiian Five-0
- British N
- A-Guy
- PY
- A-Gien
Thursday, August 23, 2007
No homo ...

Franz: Hello! We're back!
Hans: I am Hans.
Franz: And I am Franz.
Together: And we just want to.. [ clap ] Pump.. you up!
Hans: Alright. But before we can pump you up tonight, we have to answer a piece of viewer mail.
Franz: Ya. Ya. This is a letter we received from a Bill Tompkins. I'll only read an excerpt, so I don't go into his loser details. "Dear Hans & Franz: I have recently seen your.. mo-.. mo-"
Hans: Moronic.
Franz: "..Your moronic show, and have wondered why you don't open your own gym. Maybe you are too stupid." [ crumples letter ] You know, maybe you thought this letter would make us angry; but it only makes us sad.
Hans: Really, ya. We are sad, you know, because anyone who calls us "stupid" is really just jealous. Because their girlfriend looks at us, then looks at him, and realzies she's cuddling up with a little girly-man!
Franz: Ya. Ya, girly-man. Hear me now and believe me later - but don't think about it ever, because, if you try to think, you might cause a flabulance!
Hans: Ya!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dining as sport ....

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Office Mischief...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
My friends and I just got off the Water Canyon ride and were exiting the ride via a path that was beside the entrance line. We heard loud squawking and when we got closer we saw a group of ghetto girls with the most ghetto one was yelling into her phone with “Mom! I just snapped! I had to do it!”
We were puzzled but kept walking. One friend spied something on the ground, something that looked like a fat fuzzy caterpillar. We saw another, and another. My other friend shouted “That’s someone’s weave!” There were torn-out hair extensions on the ground!
We kept walking and saw security walking in. We kept walking and then we heard shouts of “No! Let go!”
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thank you for submitting your application for an articling position with [Nice Law Firm that Took the Time to Let Me Down Gently]My least favourite rejection letter so far:
At this time, our firm does not intend to hire an articling student. Nevertheless, we were most impressed with your application and trust that you will be successful in your search for a position.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavours, and we remain,
Yours very truly,
[Nice Law Firm that Took the Time to Let Me Down Gently]
Thank you for your application for an articling position with [Law Firm that Just Did a Mass E-mail Merge]. We appreciate your interest in our firm.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a position. Thank you again for your interest. We wish you success in your future endeavours.
Yours very truly,
[Law Firm that Just Did a Mass E-mail Merge]
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
More Verbatim
Today's little golden nugget from Number 1's secretary.
She gave me an assignment of doing another land transaction summary today and I have to admit that I like doing them since they keep me busy when Numbers 1-3 get caught up in their own work and forget to give me work to do. After she gave me the documents she looked at me and said in a conspiratorial whisper:
Remember, you're not doing this for me, you're doing this for [the company].
Spectacular, non? It's like she's trying to indoctrinate me. I'm trying to figure out if I have a put-out look on my face when she gives me these things to do, but I'm pretty sure that I don't. I make sure to always have a smile affixed to my face while in the office (life is just easier at the office with a smile instead of a sour expression) and I've perfected my work laugh (yes, just like that episode of Friends) so that it doesn't come off disingenuous or condescending.
By the way, I highly recommend having a work laugh. It's a perfect filler for when co-workers say something astounding/irrelevant/not funny/all of the above.
Friday, July 06, 2007
More than meets the eye ...
What can I say except that Transformers is a good summer movie - explosions, one-liners, car chases, fighting robots, product placement etc .... This was definitely worth my hard earned cash, more fun than two giant robot phalluses up my rectum.
PS. What is up with Megatron's trigger placement.
PPS. I have terrible gas today. I let one rip in my office. The fart smelled so bad that I propped the door open. I thought to myself, "Geez, I hope no one comes to my foul smelling office." Two minutes later the boss made a visit.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
My Puss-Filled Scabby Knee
- I caught a fly ball! I celebrated by jumping up and down with joy since this was a very rare occurrence.
- I missed catching the ball at home plate thus allowing the other team to score a run.
- The bases were loaded when it was one of my turns to bat, I struck out.
- I scored two runs! Funny story, on the second run the base coach messed me up and so I tried making a break for home. But the catcher caught the ball and had his eye on me so I had to run back to third base.
- I tripped running back to the base and got a a nasty gash right below my knee
- I went to work today with a Winne the Pooh band-aid that I swiped from Z's drawer (sorry, Z!) on my knee. Unfortunately the skin by the gash keeps flexing so it's not scabbing correctly and is consequently filled with puss and is oozing.
- I bought Curious George band-aids (Z, do you like Curious George? I also saw Spiderman band-aids at the store if you want those instead) at lunch so I will have a delightfully curious monkey following me around at work for the rest of the week.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
More Work Verbatim
Preparing for another hot day in the office?
I spent half of the morning polling my work friends and they were all just as puzzled as me. Our only conclusion was that a baby-doll dress and 2.5" heels aren't typical office attire. But considering that some co-workers look like they just rolled out of bed, I don't think I should be judged for my heels and the fact that I care about my personal appearance and personal hygiene. Jesus, it's not like I came into work wearing a mini-skirt and 2.5" stilettos, whore make-up and un-washed hair.
source and source
Friday, June 29, 2007
This One is Also Sung in the Key of FUCK YEAH!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
This one is sung in the key of FUCK YEAH!

The Verve are back together, this is fucking RIGHT ON, STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN MAN! For those that missed out the first time around, this is your chance to get a clue. And to remind you of the brilliance, here is the link to the best 4 minutes and 38 seconds of your life. If you don't think this is greatness to the power of 110, then your name is Mr. FUCKING WRONGENSTEIN.
FUCK YEAH! It is 1997 all over again!!!!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
I Never Meet Any Normal Guys
Hey Heidi sorry about today. Ended up helping my friend with the bbqWow. It's almost spectacular; I've never met a guy before that cared just enough to contact the girl after standing her up and after such a serious length of lag time. Have any of you guys ever pulled such a shithead of a move before?
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Picture from Mud Run '07
Friday, June 22, 2007
What a riot!!
Life without payroll
Get it??? YUK YUK YUK! He must be drinking on the job again to come up with zingers like that!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
A Good Day
- Eating oatmeal cookies for breakfast
- Look, I know I said I'd give up junk food, but it's hard, okay?
- Getting paid
- Getting off work at 3:00
- Going to Medieval Times for my very first time with Pru-bert for Z's grade one graduation
- There's something kind of fun about eating half a roasted chicken with just my bare hands
- Our knight lost nearly all his challenges, but he still gets an E for effort
- Going to Schmooze afterwards. The place with the $2.50 Happy Hour and where LT and his friend got denied entrance that one time because they didn't have collared shirts on
- Went and met up with EQ
- Got hit on by EQ's bi-sexual female friend
- Finally conquering the Gardiner Expressway and Lakeshore Boulevard for driving around downtown Toronto
Hair club for men ...
Friday, June 15, 2007
Fantastic Four - Rise of the Vomit in my Mouth

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
Bedtime stories
Me: Was i dreaming or did you really suddenly wake up last night and yell "SHIT" because my farts were really bad?
Her: no !! you were not dreaming!! i woke up by your stinky farts once AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost puke!!! =p
Me: i thought you yelled SHIT because we both forgot to wake up or something. But then i smelled how bad the farts were under the covers and realized that's what you were screaming about. that's so funny..
Her: no .. i asked you "did you fart again?" you said "NOoo" and i thought i smelled something funny from outside so i tried covered my face with the blanket ... then i realized no!!! it is really your fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost gonna throw away the blanket!!!!!!!!!!! this is not funny!! this is the second time i woke up by your stinkie fart!! >_<~~~~~~
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The two sock monkeys ....

in HK are threatening me with great bodily harm this September. After I stated the events of fitness to be, one of them said he was going to have to excuse himself. The excuse being that he wanted to be the photographer for those events. I am calling you out as a Person Under Severe Stress Yo (aka PUSSY)!
Friday, May 25, 2007
"And Four, You've Been Yelled At!"
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I Don't Take Very Good Pictures
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The other day we had to edit some proxy forms and when she brought me her revisions this is what she said:
In the old copy, the address was on three lines. But with this copy I put everything on the same line.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Review: 28 Weeks Later
But there are 2 complete lapses in logic (required to advance story) that i found to be completely distracting. And while the first one featured a memorable eye-gouging, why is it done repeatedly here for no apparent reason?
They recycle the music from the the first one as well. While the first one started as subtle background music gradually increasing to a full climax by the end, this time it's just played at full blast from the get go. Don't know why anyone would care to know that, but it made the pacing feel awkward. Climax-worthy action as soon as the movie starts.
And HSBC HQ was featured so prominently in many scenes, I was waiting for them to blow the shit out of it. Sorta like how they assploded Toronto City Hall in Resident Evil 2. Also, I haven't seen the helicopter so effectively used since Underworld: Evolution. That's cinema gold right there.
If you're not busy stroking cock this weekend, go watch it.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Sunday, May 06, 2007
My Summer Begins
Friday, May 04, 2007
Review: Spiderman 3
The drama between Peter/MJ/Harvey is as you'd expect, just a continuation of the previous movies. Dancing dark Peter is awesome, MJ is sweet as usual, and Harvey gets his deserved spotlight. The villains aren't as satisfying as Green Goblin or Dr. Octopus, but they get the job done. Redemption and forgiveness are the themes here. The action is completely over the top, if only a little more physics-defying - Spiderman seems to be a weightless ragdoll most of the time.
Don't want to spoil anything about Topher Grace (I'm sure most already know who he plays). Sure he's able to play an asshole and be funny, but he's seriously miscast here. He's a twerp and not threatening at all.
Watch out for Bruce Campbell, proving once again why he deserves to be a huge star.
Don't be gay, go watch it.
Krabi, Thailand: Part 1
More photos and stories to come at a later date!
Back to the Student Ghetto Life
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
My ride this weekend.

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Brain test
You have 32 teams, how many games are played in total if each team plays against every other team twice?
Me and J arrived at the same answer using different methods even though he thought my logic was flawed. We have PhD's, doctors, lawyers, bankers, designers, engineers, etc, i wanna see how each person comes up with the answer (edit) from scratch without looking up the formula.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Korean collective guilt and pride
NPR had a report this morning about the South Korean reaction to the shooting at VT - a collective guilt hangs over the country. A similar reaction was observed for Korean stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-suk when he was exposed as a dipshit. On the flip side, prior to the Science paper being discredited a collective national pride was the zeitgeist. This sort of behavior gave the impression the general populace were right next to him in the laboratory and that the national IQ had increased 20 points.
From a cultural sociological view point, it is very interesting to observe the consequences of such coat tail riding behavior on a national level. As a personal aside, I saw this growing up with Koreans in college and high school. Individual success in their community was viewed as collective success. This sort of life view led to hilarity often. I heard this type of rationalization multiple times, a variant being, "I got a 2 in organic chem, but John Park from my church got a 9." One wonders if this sort of behavior and thinking is an outgrowth of the Korean church, which has a vastly different set of values from the traditional Anglo-Saxon Calvinist institution.
Bottom line is, fucking Koreans again fucking it up for all other Asians. Hey LT, tell all your Korean friends to read this entry.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Initial D
On the DVD, there was an ad for "Chiseen." Apparently a Jackass version for HK. Have any of you seen it? Is it funny? Or just retarded?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Someone kill the word "Chinglish"
Is it appropriate that these people glorify the bastardization of their official language? It's bad enough that kids here speak like they've snorted too many pixie sticks grown on a China farm. Now, you might ask what is my right to complain about a language that I myself speak like a retard? It's the same as how a Christian can tell you evolution is wrong.
When you're watching mainstream Chinese media, you'll notice them randomly insert english words into perfectly inane dialog as if to increase their buzzword bingo points. Well, more like chinglish points. It's as if they want to achieve breakthroughs on multiple cultural fronts for purposes of a chinese/english synergistic fusion in order to solidify a holistic, paradigm shifting, framework if only to proclaim themselves as proactively seeking a sustainable solution...Chinese 2.0!!!
But anyways, when a CBC or ABC inserts english words into his sentences, it's because we don't know the chinese word. This isn't an art form, it's a lack of language skills on our part. So if a HK person uses an english word for lack of a better chinese word, AND they're from HK, I can only assume they're retarded. You don't see me using french in place of english. It just shows I have no language etiquette.
Tales from the Library
Furthermore, why are there undergrads in the law library to begin with? Are they vying for bragging rights? "Oh my gosh, I'm so studious that I study with the law students." And what kind of losers out there would actually be impressed by that? Or is it simply the case that these jailbaits are hoping desperately to land a law student so that they can become tacky trophy wives? I have to say, if that is the case, they need to put a little more thought into their wardrobe. Their "sexily tousled" hairdos and "seductive and come-hither" make-up make them like eastern European streetwalkers.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Empty Fridge
Oh, don't give me that look. Like you're at all surprised that I eat peanut butter and brown rice together.
Friday, April 06, 2007
This Bud's for You
A season in hell ...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
UFO in my bedroom.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Ding Dong - Sounds from my b-school journey
"Inclusive of your admission interview, your application received the careful consideration of our Admissions Committee. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you admission to the Class of 2009."
WTF!?!? Here are the dings in order of appearance, Dartmouth, NYU, UMich, Columbia, Cornell and Chicago. HOLY SHIT!!
Now I have to wait another month for Duke and Yale.
I'm depressed.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Guns and Fun - From my cold dead hands...
Mega fun at this place - http://www.lasvegasgunrange.net/
Shot an M16, Israeli Uzi, Swedish K, MP-5K and an USP.45.
I'm now a certified gun-toting Republican.
Who wants to see photos of my trip to the Middle East?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Shut up Tarantino
But check out what Tarantino had to say about it: article
Someone needs to give him a shot of STFU. That's awesome how filming the movie like how the book was written is his original idea. Sorta like how the pretentious Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill are original genres he invented because he's much more cinematically enlightened than the rest of us? Someone get that douchebag back in a Blockbuster store because that's where he belongs.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Vegetarian Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Seriously, What's Wrong with People?

Note: All my recent food posts are because I'm on a diet and I've reached the point where I'm obsessed with food.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Public Pet Peeves
1) Talk non-stop on their phone; it's 8 o'fucking'clock, how much could you possibly have to talk about?
2) Make out with their bf/gf. Again it' 8AM in the morning, you're both wearing your office attire, is there a need for PDA? Whatever you did last night, we don't want any hint whatsoever. This isn't junior high anymore you fucktards, it's not cool to show everyone you have a bf/gf.
3) People that think I'd love to share their newspapers with them. Yeah, I love reading about the latest gossip about karaoke singers first thing in the morning because your arm span violates my personal bubble.
I'd love to show any one of these people what I have in my pocket for them.
When I get to the office, there's a moment of dread before i open the door to my floor. Remember in American Psycho, Patrick Batman is like "relief washes over me in an awesome wave"? Well, it's the opposite for me. The expectation of the IT smell is hitting me in a horrifying wave of pestilence.
What about you guys?
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Acid Burn
Friday, March 02, 2007
Pencil, oh pencil ...

Friday, February 23, 2007
It Smells Like a Turd Covered in Burnt Hair
Monday, February 19, 2007
Home Depot
Yes, too much drinking with the uk boys and girls.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
It's Going to Be a Long Semester: Part Deux
Dear Heidi,
Fuck you.
The Universe
Update: Today was another harrowing day. I think the letter will now probably read as:
[obscene drawing]
Sunday, February 11, 2007
A Little Unknown Fact
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Chariots , full of nerds, of Fire
I seriously have no idea why the nerds in my office run around when the distance is only like 5-10 meters at the most. Are they like trying to fit in some exercise at the office or something? Are they in that big of a hurry that they can't waste the 5 extra seconds if they were walking instead?
And if they insist on running, why do they run like that? Are the flailing arms really necessary?
Maybe they really do see Jimbo and Neslon running after them, if only they knew who they were. Cultureless bastards.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
What the hell?
Namely, when did the standard of journalistic writing go to the shits?
Monday, January 29, 2007
You Know You're a Poor Student When...
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Blog migration
For some reason, I don't see most of you listed as contributors but you are still on the list when I view the admin pages. Don't know what's going on, but fuck it, hopefully it'll fix itself.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Children of Crap
That movie stole two hours of my life!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Fucking Prayers!