This kid is hilarious, he basically does what every kid does to the n-th degree. His parents leave town and he throws a party that is raided by the police. A riot breaks out and he is fined $20,000. He is unrepentant about the party. Watch the youtube clip, the smug interviewer is made to look like an ass at the end. As put in the news, "she got steamrolled." Win one for the good guys.
Classic lines from the clip:
Interviewer: Take off those glasses.
Kid: I'll say sorry but I'm not taking off the glasses.
Interviewer: Why not?
Kid: Cuz they're famous ...
Interviewer: What would you say to other kids who's parents are out of town?
Kid: Get me to do it for you.
Interviewer: "Go away and take a good long hard look at yourself."
Kid: "I have, everyone has and they love it."
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