It's been a while since I've posted an entry on here. Ever since they blocked all blogs and forums at work, I feel a little shaky. It's hard to vent my passive aggressive frustrations when I'm unable to do so on the spot.
Recent memories include going to a Linkin Park concert. Shuttup, i know i know. I figured it's been a long time since I've been to any concert that i might as well check these guys out. Well what can i say? They suck even more live. My god do they suck. 4 pints of beer didn't even make them seem cooler.

I got a new LED clock the other day. Totally awesome, it comes in 3 blocks (one each for hour, minute, and second) and is bright enough to light my house up with a heavenly glow.
For new years, i made it a point NOT to have any plans this year. Man was it awesome. Just go where ever the hell I want with no schedule to follow. We cooked an awesome dinner at home, then trekked over to Joanne's house which had an awesome view of Central. I managed to take some photos of the fireworks and they mostly turned out ok.

Then I went over to a friend's house for a little poker where i proceeded to win beer money. We finally made our way to Lan Kwai Fong at 2am because I wanted to see the morons out in full-force. As expected, the stupidity of people didn't let me down. Drunken fools were trying to open up taxi (in short supply that night) doors while the car was moving at FULL SPEED. I had my camera ready to capture any splatter, but unfortunately there were none.
How did everybody else's new years go?
Linkin Park = Ass hats. The end.
Going to the concert also makes you a chapeaux du derriere!!
ha ha ha.... I am, how you say, a funny guy!
Are you channeling Christopher Walken's The Continental?
Those are my hats in the picture. FUCKER!
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