Monday, February 16, 2009

I feel a little naked tonight

Yo, guess who's back? I finally have something to write ass! So that growth on my ass has not reduced in swelling for an entire week. It was especially painful today so I got myself to the doctor's office because I'm worried it's a cyst/boil and not a simple pimple.

So i whip my pants off in front of the doc the conversation was something like this:

Doc: Whoa, ok...ummm...let me lock the door first to give you some privacy.

Me: Don't worry about it. Really, I don't mind.

Doc: No no, I'll lock the door. Yup, it's kinda pusy, let me get a swab test, I'll be right back. Put your pants back on.

Me: No really, it's no problem.

Doc: Jesus, just get behind that curtain!!

So he gave me some antibiotics and topical cream to hopefully reduce the swelling. I just looked at it was more swollen and blue/black in color. Damn, I forgot to take a photo before putting the cream and a band-aid on.

Who wants to see this?


Single finger salute! said...

Was the conversation in Chinese?

Little Thingies said...

No, i always speak english to doctors to ensure nothing gets lost in translation.

Doc: [chinese] this needs amputation.

Dan: yeah, i'm ok with antibiotics.

Chris said...

Hah hah! Now these comments are the blog gold xCBx mentioned. I'm less enthusiastic about LT's 'pusy'.