Friday, October 27, 2006

Muslim Veils

If these jack asses cannot adapt to their guest countries' norms and traditions, maybe they should go back home. No one is forcing them to stay in Australia or England for that matter. I think the underlying message he is really saying is that Muslim men are savages and cannot keep their genitals in check.

While I am on my soap box, why did Madonna not just give the father money to raise the child. I do not see Bono, Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah adopting children. The English should boot her out of their country. Send her back to Detroit with her fake ass English accent.

1 comment:

Little Thingies said...

Hear hear!

And what is up with the death threats to politicians that support banning of veils? These assholes enjoy their freedoms in these countries, but deny anyone else's right if it goes against their beliefs. Not just deny, but threaten.

And yes, celebrity shopping is stupid and Madonna's just gonna throw away the kid when her time in the spotlight is over...again. How long was it until people forgot about her lesbo session with Brittney and Christina?