Tuesday, May 02, 2006


This one is for Little Thingies because he is such a cry baby.


Chris said...

I liked lt's 'fucking blog' much better when it was /. reposts. Google image reposts are so 2006.

Chris said...

Saying things are 2006 is so 2007.

Single finger salute! said...

You are just jealous that you did not have a Monchichi growing up. Come over tonight, I think I have a spare one I can loan you.

Little Thingies said...

2007 called, it wants its incorrect prediction of itself back.

Chris said...

Maybe on that side of the Pacific you guys live in the now. But here it's the future. There's no prediction. 2007 is now. And next year could be 2012. Who knows... we're that cutting edge.

Chris said...

Where are my sandals? I hate it when I lose them.