Saturday, May 27, 2006

The mean streets of HK

Ok, i think we have a contender for a proper follow-up to the crazy lady video:

Good opportunity for anyone wishing to brush up on their chinese.


Little Thingies said...

Yeah, he's just being a dipshit. I think i would've taken him up on his offer to fight, drag him off the bus, and proceed to make him cray.

And in true HK fashion, people are exploiting this video for cheap laughs, money, and fame. Ridiculous.

Oh yeah...Go Oilers!

Little Thingies said...

Arggh, i was on the other bus today and some retards were reenacting the whole thing. This shoddy cultural phenomenon has got to stop because of its sheer stupidity. This has hit William Hung levels of undeserved spotlight. A parody doesn't work when the subject is already a parody itself.