Thursday, February 16, 2006

fucked up but looking good!

So the guy showed up today. Nothing happened. He seemed like a high functioning schizophrenic. My boss totally wigged out for nothing. My respect for the boss has dropped by a magnitude of a hundred. Such a pussy. In the end, I felt bad for the guy. He seemed like a nice guy. A little kooky, but nice nonetheless. Now I feel bad.

Also, I got called out by some old cyclist today. He was checking out my bike (Santa Cruz Roadster, only the toughest road bike ever made). I said hi to him and he ignored me. He was decked out in his fruity cycling clothes. I would understand wanting to wear that stuff if he was sponsored, but I am sure he wasn't. And why would you want to rep Trek of all companies. Trek=squishy old dude bike. At the green light I tore out of there. He caught up in no time and said "It the pants, you got to lose the pants." I was wearing my GI Joe camo shorts. Oh well. I ended up drafting behind him. Homeslice couldn't lose me that easily. Just more evidence that road cyclists are wankers.

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