Friday, April 07, 2006

Let us all take five minutes ...

and pray for Little Thingies foot. Please do not let the gonnorhea spread further from his foot. Can I get AMEN! Can I get a PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!


Heidi said...


(so it's gonnorhea now? and all this time i had this theory about foot herpes)

Little Thingies said...

That's the last time i put my foot where it don't belong.

Little Thingies said...

So that wierd marking on my foot has finally cleared up (mostly). But after tennis on saturday, my legs are totally spotty from all the mosquito bites. It's driving me crazy. Jeff seems to be fine.

These bugs just wanna eat me all up.

Single finger salute! said...

No bites = Onions running though his veins.

You need to eat more smelly foods like J.