Monday, April 17, 2006

Minor Annoyance

There are two things in the news presently that annoy me. One, the Iran nuclear enrichment and two, the Duke Lacrosse team rape case.

1) Iran
The thing really gets me in this is the lack of a consistent Bush foreign policy. Iran does not even have nuclear weapons, and yet we allow a nut case country like North Korea to exist? Going to war with Iran will send oil prices sky high and will lead to a global recession, and not to mention 9/11 will look like kid's stuff.

2) Duke LAX
This case has Tawna Brawley written all over it. I predict that the Lacrosse team will be cleared, and conspiracy theories of a cover-up will abound. I would suggest that after all the hullaballoo, Duke University should sue the shit out of the D.A. for libel and defamation, and for good measure the accuser. People like this should not be allowed to exist.

Anyways, these two things are unimportant. What is important is my animal death match idea! Do you thing a Kodiak bear could fight 10 pitbulls? Or how about 20 bob cats fighting a male adult elephant? Or what about lion versus a rodeo bull? Those bulls are mean motherfuckers.


Heidi said...

How about a monkey with a knife faced off against an elephant like that episode of The Simpsons where Homer went to India?

Chris said...

Outsourcing is the best kind of sourcing.

Little Thingies said...

Check out this meaningful quote about the giant Mao statue they're putting up in Tibet:

"Many Tibetan people suggested we should have a statue of Chairman Mao to show our gratitude," a local Communist Party official told Xinhua.

I guess nothing changes.