Thursday, March 23, 2006

Art Gotham Over

so the gallery show i participated in is over. and nobody bought my crap. boohoo...
maybe you would like to buy them? $300 each for a 1'x1' is suggested to buy all 4 of them for the full effect. and then you can hang them up in a 2 x 2 square for a bigger "1 piece" painting.
if you don't want to have them, i'll still take your money though.


Heidi said...

Can I put them on hold? For about 2.5 years from now? I estimate that's when I'll be able to afford stuff.

Single finger salute! said...

For a young artist, the prices are a little high. Ryan McGinnes or Souther Salazar smaller works are totally affordable for us commoners.

What other pieces do you have? Our house and my office need more art!

Heidi said...

We should get a bartering system going on. If you give me a piece of art, I'll promise to draw up your will.

xcharlesbronsonx will....give you a shout-out in one of his published papers?

Single finger salute! said...

$200 sounds more reasonable. What if I want just a corner of one of the pieces? Would it be like $50?

You are supposed to starve and suffer for your art. Francis Bacon was absolutely bonkers.

Big Daddy said...

I dig the last one. Wish it was bigger.