Sunday, March 12, 2006

I Am Vain

There's this antique stand with a mirror attached in the front hall of the house. Because of the shoddy craftsmanship the mirror is at slight angle but I absolutely adore the tilted angle; I have yet to look bad in that mirror. At any given time I can be found in the front hall checking myself out in the mirror. In fact, if I'm having a bad day I will purposely go down two flights of stairs to the front hall and look in the mirror to cheer myself up and then go back to my room.

1 comment:

Single finger salute! said...

Sounds like a myspace photo. I saw a SIF yesterday on campus. My man J showed me her myspace photo and she looked hot. Then he pointed her out to me at the SU bldg and she is a SECRET INTERNET FATTIE. Homegirl has a keg for a stomach.