Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Thank you for smoking

Man, I almost lost it and exploded at work today. So after being virtually smoke free (well...almost) since new years, I had to cool off during lunch time and have a smoke. Stupid me, i'll have to try again after today is over.

I must move on to greener pastures.


Single finger salute! said...

So was it good?

Little Thingies said...

Sort of a let down...they need to make cigarettes that burn for at least an hour so you can really enjoy it.

But smoking out in the garden reminds me of how I used to look so rebellious and punk last year when I used to smoke during lunch.

People would walk on the other side of the hallway when they saw me coming.

Heidi said...

but that could've just been because you used to wear wifebeaters that showed off your massive tattoos.

Little Thingies said...

Wrong person, i don't have tattoos you fool. They were scared because they could see animated swiggly lines coming from my head that showed my bad attitude.