Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Fridge is Making Me Angry

I think the fridge in my house is broken again. I took a swig of milk from an unopened carton (granted it's been sitting in the fridge since before Reading Week, but the expiration date was March 7th) and nearly did a spit-take. It just tasted fowl; it was bitter and sour all at the same time. I poured it down the sink and it smelled pretty bad.

At least this time isn't as bad as the last time the fridge broke down. Last time my brand new milk curdled into yogurt in two short days; I tried pouring a glass of milk and it came out in chunky streams.

1 comment:

Single finger salute! said...

We had that problem. Our house started to smell like a garbage dump. Yuck. We just stopped buying dairy products.